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Emily Jane


Aromatherapy, Animal Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Counselling, Crystal Healing, Hypnotherapy, Herbalism, Nutritional Therapy, Mindfullness, Meditation


Ore & Hastings 


About me

Known as “The Alchemist” with 26 unique High Vibrational Sets-Elixirs, Healing Creams & Energy Sprays & her Natural Skincare Set. All made with her own Gem, Flower & Herbal Essences; & specially-blended Aromatherapy Oils.

All are made by-hand at the time of your order, & are personalised/energised to the frequency you need Includes the powerful Vaxx-Poison & EMF-AI Eliminator; All Love; Healthy Healing Heart Elixir; Karmic Cleanse; Self-Power & super-powerful Clearance & Protection Spray

She’s the Author of The Alchemist’s Cookbook Volume One: Cakes-Cordials-Conserves & Preserves
She’s a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner (QHHT)
She regularly gives Online Video-based Powerful Spiritual & Angelic Guidance / Healing Sessions, plus in-person Crystal; Sound & Colour Treatments
She loves Cats & has 2: Tinkerbell & Ronnie-G – both of whom never go to the vets, but are treated intuitively by her using her own !potions” & she has also helped care for many cats & dogs for her customers all round the world

Creator of the Health & Wellness Check-Up, fusing Indian Ayurveda with  Chinese Five Elements & Co-Founder of Abundance for Many Events & Retreats in the UK.